

Payment entity doesn’t accept the conditions of the destination bank account to process the transfer:

  • Bank account with special conditions

  • Bank account doesn’t accept transfers..


Unnax Recommendation:

  1. Contact customer and ask about the conditions of the destination bank account.

  2. Retry the operation from a different origin bank account attempted previously.

Inform the origin bank account from which the transfer has to be processed and the transfer type.

  1. If received same error, request customer another destination bank account to send the money.




Destination bank account is not able to accept payments:

  • Invalid bank account

  • Bank account cancelled

  • Bank account closed


Unnax Recommendation:

Request customer a different bank account to receive the money.





The transfer daily limit for the origin bank account was exceeded from the conditions established for the bank account to process payments.


Unnax Recommendation:

  1. Retry the operation from a different bank account which was attempted previously. (Default bank account)

  2. Inform the origin bank account from which the transfer has to be retried and also the transfer type.




The destination account does not support the Instant Payment service.

(Unnax will try to transfer the order from all the available bank accounts with instant payment service before returning this error message)

Unnax Recommendation:

  1. Check the status of the account registered in the system using the GET method /api/v3/config/bank/account/{account_hash}

  2. Retry the operation from an account other than the account from which the payment has previously been attempted as standard. (Default account) (The one checked with GET)

Inform both the source account from which you would like to process the payment and also the transfer type (standard).

  1. Enable the option by which Unnax automatically issues the payment from the default account as standard.



There are 2 possible scenarios, depending on whether or not you have enabled the configuration to process operations from the default account automatically:

  1. Default account automatic process disabled: None of the accounts to process the order within the same day is available. All of them have insufficient funds or do not provide service. 

  2. Default account automatic process enabled: In addition to the accounts in scenario 1, the default account does not provide service to transfer the operation as standard.

Unnax Recommendation:

  1. Wait for 5 minutes.

  2. Review the response fields: 

Check the details regarding the account balance, reported in the field: data[‘current_balance’]

Check the details regarding the transfer service provided by the bank, informed in the field:

data[‘bank_data’][‘bank_transfer’] (true if it provides service, false if it is under maitenance)

  1. In case the operation cannot be processed, wait for more 5 minutes and repeat step 2 again.

  2. Retry the operation (without informing the source account or the transfer type) if the data from the previously reviewed accounts allow the operation to be transferred.

SIGN_ERROR = 'S000007' 


Generic error reserved for all those error cases not covered in any of the previous cases, new use cases or new literals shown by banks throughout the process of signing operations.

Unnax Recommendation:

  1. Contact the client and ask about the conditions of the destination account.

  2. Retry the operation from an account other than the account from which you have previously attempted to issue the payment.

Inform both the source account from which you want to process the payment and the transfer type.

  1. If the error persists, ask the customer for a new account in which to deposit the money.

Unnax Improvement:

Unnax will analyze the different cases accumulated under this error code, periodically, to make decisions about the error code to which the new ones should be assigned.